Friday, September 7, 2012

Mapping Disk from VIO Server to LPAR

Mapping Disk from VIO Server to LPAR

mkvdev -vdev -vadapter -dev

mkvdev: command used to create a mapping disk from VIO to Client LPAR
-vdev: Flag used to mention the disk name. eg: -vdev hdiskx , where x is number of the hdisk. This can be physical disk id or lvname which you are going to map. You are always have a alternative option to create a VG and create some LVs to the required size and map them as well as like hdisk.
-vadapter: Flag used to mention the vhostID which is created for the LPAR. 
eg: -vadapter vhostx, where x is number of the vhost.
-dev: VTD(Virtual Target Device) Name which is created for the LPAR identification. It is optional, but it will be very useful to identify the  vhostid and the hdisk assigned for a LPAR. Mostly the VTD name will be set with LPAR Partition id with Managed system name. On some environments it will be with LPAR name with Managed system.

1. VTD name with LPAR Partion ID and Managed System Name,
mkvdev -vdev hdisk10 -vadapter vhost4 -dev tilakmanservr_lparid03

2. VTD name with LPAR name with Managed system,
mkvdev -vdev hdisk10 -vadapter vhost4 -dev tilakmanserver_aixtest

tilakmanservr - Managed System Name
lparid03 - LPAR id of the server. Can be identified from HMC - Managed Server - It will list all LPARs and LPAR ids assigned to it.
aixtest - Which is my LPAR name on the Managed server to which i am mapping the disk.

From lsmap -all, searched for the hdisk10 mapping. It will look simalarly as below.

SVSA            Physloc                                      Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------
vhost4         U9117.MMB.10215EP-V2-C39                     0x00000011

VTD                   tilakmanservr_lparid03
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8100000000000000
Backing device        hdisk10
Physloc               U78C0.001.DBJ2978-P2-C2-T1-W50060E80054315BE-L4000000000000

$ oem_setup_env
# lsdev -Cc adapter | grep -i vhost
vhost4    Available         Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
# lspv | grep -i hdisk10
hdisk10         00f6100f2429032e                    None

Now run cfgmgr on the client LPAR to get the disk.

aixtest# lsdev -Cc disk
hdisk1 Available          Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
aixtest# lspv | grep -i hdisk1
hdisk1          00f6100f2429032e                    none          none

The above PVID "00f6100f2429032e" will be the same of the VIO server's hdisk10.

If you don't have vhost and vscsi adapters already present in both the servers, you may need to visit here - how to create it before mapping the disks.


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